Volunteer at Wabash Center
Enthusiastic, dedicated volunteers are vital to Wabash Center! Without people who dedicate their time and talents to our fundraisers, events, and day-to-day operations, we would not be able to provide quality services at the level we do that make such a difference in the lives of children and adults with disabilities or special needs. There are many ways to donate your time and talents to Wabash Center. For more information, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator or complete the form below. Thank you for your gift of volunteering!
Meet Jenna and the Wabash team!
Jenna is the Outreach and Engagement Specialist at Wabash, a Lafayette-based industrial manufacturing company. Wabash Center and Wabash have a positive, long-standing relationship that started with our Enterprise Services program. Jenna is responsible for finding opportunities for Wabash employees to give back and support the community together. She started working with Wabash Center at the recommendation of Melissa Strong, another Wabash employee and chair of Wabash Center’s board of directors.
For years, Jenna has brought Wabash employees to volunteer at our Holiday Dinner and Grant’s House Celebration. Her first year, she gathered employees from different departments across Wabash to volunteer for our annual Grant’s House Celebration. Jenna was unsure if anyone even knew each other’s names, and she was anxious about how the experience might feel for everyone. To her delight, the positive and welcoming atmosphere from Wabash Center brought the group together for a very memorable evening. “There is something special that happens when you volunteer as a team at a place as special as Wabash Center. While we were breading fish for the event, everyone was laughing, talking, and making heartwarming connections with their co-workers, employers, and community.”
Meet Mike!
Meet Mike Musleh! Mike is a new member of our Board of Directors, joining in December 2022. He has been volunteering at Wabash Center since 2010, when he gathered volunteers from Oerlikon/Fairfield Manufacturing to help out at many different events through the years. Mike currently leads Stratic Global Sourcing, a Global Sourcing company and division of Oscar Winski located in Lafayette, IN. With his background in executive roles and supply chain functions, he is looking forward to bringing companies together in support of our cause and finding new ways to save and generate money to help us continue improving our standard of care. "Volunteering at Wabash Center provides the volunteer with more rewarding feelings than what he or she will give in hours. In all my interactions, the individuals served are pure of heart, loving, and giving."
How can I help?
Wabash Center always needs more volunteers! Community engagement and support is a huge part of what we do, and we appreciate all that volunteers do to help things run smoothly, from Saturday Fun Days to our biggest fundraisers. Click through the options below to see all the different ways you can donate your time and talents to Wabash Center.
Would you like to work continuously with Wabash Center and the individuals we serve? Our ongoing/reoccurring volunteer opportunities can encompass a wide range of talents. Engage with the individuals we serve by teaching a class in the arts, fitness, and more. Share your skills by regularly working with an individual on practicing and improving their knowledge of curriculum content or life skills. Contact us with your unique way to engage!
Wabash Center hosts multiple events through the year: small weekend events for the individuals we serve such as Saturday Fun Days, or large fundraisers for our community to come out and enjoy such as the annual Grant’s House Celebration or Wines on the Wabash. Volunteers help to dish out food, check-in and register guests, clean up, and more.
We have plenty of community partners that take interest in doing projects with Wabash Center. This includes partnering with Panhellenic groups for community service projects, hosting groups of volunteers from a business for community engagement, and more. If you represent a group that would like to do a project with or for us, reach out!
As a non-profit, we love when people add value to our community with their professional skills. There are so many ways to engage in events and daily life at Wabash Center with your skills! Are you creative? Reach out to marketing and development for fun design opportunities. Like to crunch the numbers? Help out with accounting for our next event! Have another gift to share? Reach out and tell us all about it. Our board of directors consists of prominent community members from a variety of professional backgrounds who have chosen to share their skills with Wabash Center. Contact us to learn more!
Volunteer advocates help the guardian of an individual we serve to create a safety net. By forming a bond with individuals, the volunteer works to support them and their rights in the best way possible. See Guardianship for more information about the program